Korean Languge and Culture Programs

KCul’s Korean language program is not just a moment of enjoyable experience. We also offer various experiential art education programs based on Korean philosophy and a long history of helping youth and children create the future. Additionally, we provide unique and enjoyable Korean history storytelling courses for adults.
Are you interested in Korea and its culture?
We offer Korean language, culture, and history classes.
ONLINE: Thursdays 6:30~8:20 pm
adult/ All levels
IN-PERSON: Saturday 9:30~12:00 pm
K~12th/ Adult/ All levels
Health Science Center (HSC) 1380
Montgomery County Community College340 DeKalb Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422
Questions about KCul Academy: 484-213-4603
Ean Seol: seol@kculfoundation.org
Beginners Welcome!
Classes for children and adults 어린이반/성인반
Beginning Class / Intermediate Class / Advanced Class / Free Group Discussion
한국어 기초반/중급반/고급반/자유그룹토론
Through KCul’s Korean language program, you will learn:
Korean Language (Writing, Speaking, and Reading)
한국어 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기
Korean Culture & History / Korean Drum/Korean Dance/Kpop Dance
한국문화와 역사 /어린이 난타/ 사물놀이/한국무용/케이팝 댄스

Korean Language
Learning to write, read, and speak in Korean.
Janggu (korean traditional drum)
Understanding the world through music.
Korean History and Culture
Exploring Korean History & Culture.
* Montgomery County Community College is not affiliated with any programs offered by KCul, including Korean language classes and cultural camps, and the College should not be contacted regarding the program.